This process will only be activated for commercial users.
Organizations have been graded on previous SCIMS Online purchase history; to determine if monthly accounts will be issued and only selected users will have an option to select Credit Card or Account. Credit Card customers can establish an Account option by committing to a Direct Debit facility with LPI.
Checkout Summary Screen
Itemizes the searches to be paid for and downloaded.
Select next to proceed. Select Cancel to return to map selection for additional searches
Checkout Payment Screen
Select payment method Credit Card or Account.
Credit Card
Enter appropriate valid card details
Select next to proceed
Select Cancel to return to map selection for additional searches
Allows for a monthly account to be issued, containing all SCIMS searches in one invoice. Current account details will be displayed, check appropriate account details then select next.
Contact Information Screen
Change allowable fields. Select Next to continue or cancel to return to SCIMS.
Confirmation Screen
Displays relevant information re payment by Credit card or account. Select Confirm and proceed to finish.
Receipt Screen
This screen displays the receipt number for credit card purchases and allows the printing of a copy of the Tax Invoice and receipt codes.
Access to Search Files
Once all checkout process is completed searches will be activated and the files will be released into MyDocuments. The time to access the files will vary depending on the amount of data to be created.In general SCIMS spatial data only will be relatively quick. However access to Locality Sketch Plans can take some time.